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What are your favorite mods to use in game?

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New Member
Aug 25, 2020
This can be for any game, not one in particular. Just your favorite mod, in general, that has made the game more enjoyable for you for whatever reason.

When it comes to mods, I tend to only ever use graphic enhancing ones. I know there are plenty that changes the controls and skins within games but I like to play games as close to their original as possible.


Getting Started
Aug 25, 2020
Hi, Britanica. From my research, i've found a video posted last year, with different mods for several games that really improves them, some of them are a looot better looking than the original. I've already thought about trying the Mass Effect Mods for graphics (see the video below), it's a game i played several times, and finished it in several different ways also and i'd love to play it again ;) I really recommend this game trilogy , it's one of the best games EVEER!

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